Ministry, B.A. + Master of Divinity, M.Div. (3+2)

Student reads the bible at the front of chapel.

The 5-year Accelerated Ministry Program is an innovative and rigorous program that integrates theological education, character formation, and practical experience to prepare you for a multitude of vocations, including local church ministry, international missions and church planting or parachurch ministries.

School of Ministry

West Palm Beach



Our mission is to equip students just like you to fulfill their calling and make a difference for the kingdom of God. The Accelerated Ministry Preparation (AMP) Program offers you the opportunity to do exactly that, while earning your B.A. and M.Div. degrees in as little as five years. The AMP Program is an innovative and rigorous seminary education that is gospel-centered and includes study of the Bible, biblical languages, history, theology and practical ministry.

4 + 3 = 5!

A traditional undergraduate degree usually takes four years to complete, and a standard M.Div. degree takes an additional three years, for a total of seven years. At PBA you can choose from three B.A. options (Intercultural Studies, Biblical and Theological Studies and Ministry) and a M.Div. in as few as five years, just one year beyond a traditional bachelor’s degree. This streamlined M.Div. degree is possible because PBA does not repeat introductory courses from the undergraduate level (as most seminaries do). Instead, we offer advanced-level courses from the very beginning of the M.Div. degree. Because our M.Div. also includes a substantial apprenticeship, students finish seminary confident in their education and experience and eager to launch out into the ministry to which God has called them.

female students smiling and taking notes at Palm Beach Atlantic University

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Accelerated Ministry Preparation (AMP) Program

What is the AMP Program?

  • A 5-year program housed in Palm Beach Atlantic University’s School of Ministry
  • Offers students the opportunity to complete Bachelor of Arts and Master of Divinity degrees in just 5 years
  • Consists of 3 years full-time undergraduate study + 2 years accelerated graduate study
  • An innovative and rigorous program that includes theological education, character formation, and practical experience

Who is the AMP Program for?

  • Open to all students whose major is in the School of Ministry (Biblical and Theological Studies, Ministry (Day OR Evening/Online), and Intercultural Studies, inc. all concentrations)
  • Perfect for those who already feel called to church ministry and know they would like to pursue an MDiv
  • Amazing preparation for those who are interested in church ministry of any kind, Christian non-profit work, or even further post-graduate study

Why should I do the AMP Program?

  • Cuts the traditional time period of BA + MDiv by up to 2 years
  • Saves at least 1 year of total education costs (tuition, fees, books, housing, etc.)
  • Through a generous grant, PBA is able to offer exclusive scholarships for AMP students of up to $8,000
  • Social and academic cohort opportunities exclusively for AMP students
  • Since the start of the AMP Program in 2013, there has been a 100% placement rate among graduates

I’m still not convinced; why should I choose a PBA MDiv over other MDiv programs?

  • 100% of PBA’s graduate faculty hold the highest degree and are published authorities in their field
  • Average class size in MDiv classes is 10
  • All MDiv students complete 150 supervised hours on a church ministry staff each semester
  • The MDiv curriculum is uniquely integrated to bring together areas of biblical study, theology, history, and ministry
  • PBA’s School of Ministry has a network of over 75 partner churches serving as internship and apprenticeship sites

Just a few of the opportunities you’ll be prepared for are:

  • Pastor (lead, associate, executive)
  • Director of Children’s Ministries
  • Mission Ministry Leader
  • Hospital or Military Chaplain
  • Community Service Director

Looking for something more specific? Check out our list of other opportunities:

Related Majors:

Christian Studies B.A. (Online & Evening)
Ministry B.A. (Online & Evening)
Biblical & Theological Studies B.A.
Intercultural Studies B.A.
Master of Arts, Christian Studies
B.A., Ministry + Master of Divinity (3+2)
Biblical & Theological Studies B.A. & Master of Divinity M.Div. (3+2 Program)
B.A., Intercultural Studies + Master of Divinity (3+2)

Related Minors & Concentrations:

Children’s Ministries: Minor | Concentration
Christian Social Ministries: Minor | Concentration
Pastoral Ministries: Minor | Concentration
Student Ministries: Minor | Concentration
Worship Ministries Concentration
Ministry Minor


How does the M.Div. 3+2 Program really work? : A student majors in either Biblical & Theological Studies, Intercultural Studies or Ministry and completes the 91 prescribed undergraduate credits during their first three years at PBA. Upon successful completion of these credits and a GPA of 3.25 or more, a student begins M.Div. courses during his/her fourth year.

What do I get with my B.A. degree? : You will graduate once you complete all 91 prescribed undergraduate credits for your major, plus accumulate a total of 120 undergraduate and/or graduate credits. For most students, this occurs at the end of their fourth year.

What is PBA School of Ministry’s doctrinal stance? : The Master of Divinity Program teaches the spectrum of strong conservative evangelical thought, as reflected by the World Evangelical Alliance. The program challenges students to wrestle with what they believe, articulate and defend what they believe and effectively apply their beliefs to life and ministry. Read about Palm Beach Atlantic’s guiding principles here.

Did you know?

Your professors at PBA’s School of Ministry wrote the book(s)!

You’ll learn from respected scholars and theologians, many of whom wrote the textbooks you’ll use in your studies (and that are used extensively at other colleges and universities).


Your School

Nine distinctive schools are part of PBA. Classes related to this major will be focused here.

Your Faculty

PBA is rightly proud of our talented faculty. Here’s who you’ll be learning from in this major.

Your Catalog

OK, you’ve chosen your program of study. Now, it’s time to get familiar with your classes.

West Palm Beach Admissions

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Phone: (561) 803-2100

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a student from the major in ministry leadership studies preaches in chapel

Ministry Leadership Studies, B.A.

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Ministry students read bibles together.

Ministry, Minor

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